Your 20/20 Vision for 2020

Vision, Dreams, Goals

Why can’t we see well?

What interferes with our vision? Our Vision for 2020?


We are coming into a New Year – and a new decade


Our Vision of where we are going to be determines if we are actually going to get there.

It’s pretty hard to go on a journey without knowing where you are going.

You may wander all over the place.


So if you don’t have a Vision and Goals for 2020, how are you going to get there?

First off, Vision is near and dear to me….

2020 VisionI just came through cataract surgery on both eyes last month.

So, what are cataracts?

Basically they are a clouding up of the lens in your eye, not letting the light through properly.

You start to see things less well, distorted, much like seeing “through the glass darkly”.

And you can’t see all the details in front of you.

So I got cataract surgery.


Looking at our life, are their things like cataracts, clouding our vision so that we don’t see our Vision clearly?

I think there is…..


Well, I am Ron McLean the Dream Roper, I help people Lasso Your Dreams….


I believe all of us were given dreams, we were divinely created with dreams inside of us.

Don’t you notice as you go through life that certain things turn you on, and certain things turn you off.

Could this be that the things in your life that get you excited, that you are really passionate about, are in line with the dreams you were given?


And maybe those things that you detest are things that take you in the opposite direction?


Well, how can we better see our Vision?

Or what keeps us from seeing our Vision would be a better question…


Well let’s look at this hypothesis

  • When we were young, when we were babies, we heard the word NO a lot
  • This begins a life of continually being told what we can and can’t do
  • Being told to look at life through someone else’s filters (we all have filters you know)

Well I was reminded about filters after my cataract surgery.

I bought a good pair of sunglasses as I became more sensitive to light.

Well, don’t sunglasses filter out some light from getting to our eyes, our conscious mind?

Thinking about how this relates to our lives, I tried an experiment.

As I had a couple of pair of clip-on sunglasses, as I have worn corrective lenses for 30 years, and here is what I found.

I put a pair over my regular sunglasses and saw less well.

Then I put another pair in front of these and I could barely see at all.

But isn’t that much the same as how we go through life?

  • First our parents tell us what to do and not to do – their filter?
  • Then we add a filter of our friends
  • And a filter of our teachers
  • And a filter of out bosses.

Is it any wonder that we can’t see clearly that what has been put in our heart to do?


dreams, visionNow people aren’t just trying to be mean and controlling.

They see things in a certain way based on the filters in their lives, so they just want you to be the same as them, right?


But we weren’t created to be the same as everyone else.

We are unique, we even have a unique DNA.

There is no-one exactly like you and you are unlike everyone else.


No, I am not talking about you needing to be an oddball, and at odds with everyone around you.


I am talking about honoring the dreams that were divinely placed within you, and realizing that you don’t have to live someone else’s dreams.


Does that mean we were created with dreams, and a purpose for our life?

I believe so!


My beliefs may be based on the Bible, and even if you are not a believer I am sure you are familiar with the story here.

  • Mary was visited by the angel Gabrial who told her that, even though she had not been with a man, that she would bring forth a baby, that his name would be Jesus, and he would be the son of God.
  • Previous to that the angel appeared to Zacharias, and that his elderly wife would bear as son, and he was to be called John, and that he would turn many of the children if Israel to the Lord their God.


Now I am not telling you this to promote the Bible, although there are many scriptures with similar stories confirming that we were indeed created with a purpose, determined before we were conceived.

So what am I saying. Just this. Look inward and feel what has been placed on your heart.


Once you have this direction, you now are ready to move forward with your Vision for 2020.


Not only will this help you determine where you want to be, but more importantly, who!


Who you want to become should drive your Vision.


I would look at it as who you will become by being the person you need to be to achieve these goals and arrive at that place of the dream that has been placed within you.


Now this may take more than one year, so your Vision for 2020 may be a major piece of a larger life Vision.


And how do you go about this seeming daunting task.

  • First try to ignore all the filters that belong to everyone else
  • Develop the filter of what leads you toward your dreams 
  • Develop the filter of what leads you to becoming the person you were created to be


Once you have determined where you want to be and who you want to be, now you can

  • Map out your journey
  • Figure out key milestones or goals for you to achieve on the way
  • Develop a strategy to achieve these goals
  • Develop an action plan to make that happen.


The bad news, you may have to stop doing some stuff that doesn’t help you go in your chosen direction.

You may have to say NO to some people and some things, even things you may enjoy doing.

No problem, these may have been for their goals and not for yours anyways.


I hope this helps you focus on your Goals, your Vision, and your Dreams.



Lasso Your Dreams

Ron McLean, the Dream Roper, helping YOU Lasso Your Dreams

text/cell: 864-404-6696

Schedule a call –



PS: I have a personal reason for my 2020 Vision


My vision is to help many seniors actually live their dream retirement lifestyle.


Our team has a plan in place to equip people to retire in one year. 

I know that almost sounds too good to be true, right.


Some people have quit their jobs this year for early retirement.


Do you want to at least check this out to see if it could work for you too?

For you to get to where you dream to be?


Yes? Just message me and I will send you to the information!