How to make better decisions – Mark Twain

better decisions

How to make better decisions? Experience.

How to get experience? By making bad decisions. (Mark Twain)

That sure came to mind when I pulled a shirt out of my closet.

Really this is about Branding (a better decision too)

Going back in time to early 2012, I contacted a friend and had him set me up with this morning nutritional shake he was taking, as I was looking to stay healthy.

It turned out to be a network marketing company with a decent pay plan, so what the heck.

Due to some significant life changes, I had “retired” from network marketing but it sounded like this could help a lot a people, so why not?

Well if you are going to do something, you may as well do it right.

I went and bought five shirts with the company logo branded on them, made sense, right?

Well the company went out of business right after, due to management, not the product.

That was not a “better decision” on my part….

making better decisions

The next part of the story

I met up with a few people, Ray Higdon, Eric Green, and others who taught a different message. And their message helped a ton of people make better decisions.

And their message is?


Brand YOU!

Now they tell me……

As I watched others post on social media, making the same mistakes as I did, I see why.

In fact some people’s Facebook timeline looks like an infomercial on late night TV.

That gets old fast.

People are connected to, and interested in, YOU.

So tell your story!

If you have good products, services, or whatever, tell what they have done for you.

Now the company will tell you something different, right? Like plastering the name of your company and the product names all over social media. Heck, they even tell you to post your company website links… AGGHHH.

Really, you need to stay social on social media.

Should you tell folks about how the products made you look and feel better, maybe even saved you money? Absolutely.

Just not every post.

I wish I had met Ray and Eric earlier, wouldn’t have company logos on my shirts, just my OWN website etc.

If you are in marketing (MLM, Internet Marketing, Direct Sales), you may want to pay attention and not make the same mistakes as I did.

The good news? 

There is a better way!

Hit me up with any questions or a way to get free training on Branding You!

And if you benefited by hearing how to make better decisions, go ahead and share this post.

Be blessed



Lasso Your DreamsRon McLean, the Dream Roper

Empowering You to Lasso Your Dreams


PS: Want more info on this free branding training?

Schedule a call at

PS2: Here a post you may find interesting on Living Your Circumstances Not Your Promise