Tips to boost your retirement income

boost your retirement income

I recently read an article “Tips to boost your retirement income”

I wrote down the tips but not where I read it, probably some online article.

Man, you would think that retired people won’t have enough money?
Well, do they?

The data given in the article gives the average 2017 Social Security payment as $1,360 per month.

Less than 2/3 of retirees have income from assets with an average of those that do of $1,542 per month.

And 1/4 of retirees still work earning an average of $25,000 per year.

And 7% are on public assistance – OUCH!

So what’s a senior to do?

Well here are the “Tips to boost your retirement income”:
1. Postpone retirement (great, just what we want to hear)

2. Postpone drawing Social Security (hopefully it won’t go broke before you do)

3. Get a retirement job (just how many seniors can Walmart handle?)

4. Postpone taking money from savings (if you are doing 1, 2 and 3, right?)

5. Tap your home equity (what if you live longer with no place to live?)


Well, isn’t that cheery news now?

We watched our 401Ks implode 10 years ago, and thank God if you still have a company pension.

every bite you takeIf there ever was a time to focus on good health, it looks like now is the time, as we can’t afford to be sick and miss work, and all those doctor appointments filling our calendars.

That is what will happen if we don’t use our heads, and if we blindly follow conventional wisdom as espoused by big government, big Pharma, and the whole medical industry.

For example, every drug store on the street seems to have a Free Flu vaccine sign, what’s that all about?

Most times they don’t work, and if they do, it’s by giving you the flu so you can become immune? And we can get all the mercury we need by eating fish without taking it via a needle anyways.

Pardon me but it appears that the only ones benefiting from our medical system is the medical industry.

If we are what we eat, we need to eat more of what God made, of course getting it without all these drugs given to animals, and eat less of man-made concoctions.

Have you looked at the labels on packaged food lately? Do you even know what the heck all that stuff is?

Maybe we need to eat more of what we recognize?

OK Ron, get back on point, money for retirement.

The best time to prepare for retirement is when you are younger.

Well, the second best time is now – not putting if off further.

I am drawing pension and social security, but I choose to continue to “work” and I am blessed that I can.

Now the thoughts of a regular job at my age are repulsive to me, having to get up and commute?

I work from home, and this work is a blend of

  • working on my computer using my brain and technology
  • visiting client locations as needed for customer service and additional business
  • attending networking functions to keep me social and meet with other folks like me who can become clients or referral partners, or even provide services that I need. We all like to do business with folks we know, like and trust.

Well, rant over.

I feel strongly about taking care of our health and part of what I do is help folks get and stay healthy through nutrition and by avoiding the bad stuff in our food supply today.

I feel very strongly that we don’t have to accept our circumstances, and focus on the “woe is me” in our lives.

What if we all reached out to what God has placed on our hearts, our dreams of who we can become.

Let’s not accept the limitations placed on us by “them” but accept the greatness created within us by Him!

In fact, I enjoy helping folks reach out to their dreams.

If I can help you, or if you would just like to talk and compare notes, hit me up.

Let’s compare schedules, mine is online at

Be blessed


the Dream RoperRon McLean, the Dream Roper
Empowering You to Lasso Your Dreams
Looking to make shift in your finances? 




PS: On a similar note, I find the Law of Attraction has a strong bearing on this subject.

I invite you to download my book on the Law of Attraction at and/or perhaps watch a short video summary here and see if you find value in improving your life!