Do You Believe in Abundance??

Do you believe in abundance?

There are two schools of thought on abundance

  • Abundance is infinite
  • Scarcity – if you want a bigger piece of the pie, someone is going to have a smaller piece. I have recently heard this thought expressed by politicians and they are doing you a dis-service.

What does abundance mean to you? Are you limiting your personal abundance with thoughts of scarcity?

Remember, thoughts are things. This is a common theme from great writers, like Earl Nightingale, philosophers, and the Bible itself.

Your thoughts lead to your beliefs, which lead to your actions, which lead to your results. If you are not satisfied with your results, you may want to go back and review the thoughts you allow to remain in your head, and to your belief system.

I encourage you today to embrace abundance. Start from a position of abundance and support other people. This too is the a common thread from great teachers, including the Bible. Who has not heard of the Law of Reaping and Sewing. Your thoughts, beliefs, and actions today lead to your results tomorrow. Again, if you are looking for better results, think better thoughts. Sew into others and sew into yourself.

I am reminded of Zig Ziglar who stated the you can have anything you want if you help enough people get what they want. This is the embodiment of sewing and reaping. And you will only sew into others if you have an abundant mindset.

I recall Ray Higdon at Top Earner Academy emphasizing that you must provide value to others if you are to succeed. Ray is the poster child for value if you follow his blog (

If you believe in scarcity, you will be afraid to help someone else as you will get less. Release these self-limiting thoughts and serve others.

If you are in Network Marketing and believe in scarcity, you will treat anyone in another company as competition, and perhaps as a threat. If you believe in abundance, you will treat them as co-laborers on a magnificent journey.

If you believe in scarcity, get over it. Embrace abundance!

I appreciate your comments and feel free to like, share, and comments on my Facebook fan page

Wishing you a richly blessed day,


Lasso Your Dreams

Ron McLean, the Dream Roper, helping YOU Lasso Your Dreams

text/cell: 864-404-6696

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