Docs Being BRIBED to KILL?

Docs Being BRIBED to KILL?

The news is full of “the opioid crisis”.

But doctors being “bribed to kill” is an interesting view.

It seems to me like seniors are affected more than most other generations, so I take it personally..

I just saw this eye-opening article online by Dr. Scott Olson and thought you need this info below.

You’ve seen the news… you’ve heard the stories.
We have an opioid crisis in America.
Tens of thousands of Americans are being killed by these powerful, addictive prescription painkillers every year.
All while billion-dollar drug companies make a fortune.
Until now, I didn’t want to believe that doctors were getting in on the cash grab, too.
I didn’t want to believe that trusted physicians were making money while people just like you dropped dead.
Boy, was I wrong.
It’s technically illegal for drug companies to pay doctors to write prescriptions.
It’s also technically illegal to drive faster than the posted speed limit… but everybody does it.
A new study out of Harvard University found that opioid manufacturers are paying physicians VAST sums of money.
And, surprise, surprise… the doctors who prescribe more get paid more.
To be clear: the doctors aren’t being paid DIRECTLY for prescribing.
The money is being given for dubious tasks like “speaking and consulting.”
But the study showed a direct correlation between the number of prescriptions a doctor wrote and how much they were being paid for “speaking and consulting.”
A doctor who prescribed only a few opioids wasn’t getting paid much, but the docs who prescribed the most were being paid a lot.
Sounds like pay-for-prescriptions to me…. Sounds like bribery to me.
Opioids are a death trap… and your problems start the minute you accept that first prescription.
Fortunately, there are good, natural options for pain reduction.
Dr. Scott’s Pain Solution:
  • Move: Moving your body helps to bring new blood, oxygen, and nutrients while taking away waste. Exercise also releases natural endorphins that help to diminish pain. I generally don’t recommend anything more than gentle walking or swimming for people with extreme pain.
  • Anti-inflammatory: Often you can reduce pain when you calm down inflammation. The best natural tools for this are omega-3 fish oils and herbs like curcumin and Boswellia.
  • Nutrients: Magnesium is needed to help muscles relax and vitamin D has been shown to help reduce pain.
  • CBD Oil: Cannabidiol (or CBD oil) comes from the common cannabis (marijuana) plant, but doesn’t get you high. When CBD hits the brain, it helps to release a flood of good-feeling molecules, including serotonin (the feel-good, sleep-well brain hormone) and reduces pain. CBD is being used by many people to treat other health problems like anxiety, insomnia, and depression.
  • Stretch: Depending on the type of pain (like back pain), you can help it by stretching. Our bodies become tighter as we age, and we need to stretch to keep us flexible. Find a stretching routine you can do every day (even when you are not in pain). Stretching alone can fix most people’s back pain–if they make a habit of it.
  • Get Help From Specialists: I like chiropractors, massage therapists, and acupuncture for pain. Find someone you trust and work with them.
Health and Happiness,
CBD oil
I am glad that we chose to use natural methods, such as mentioned in the above article.
I used to think that hemp was the same as cannibis and was hallucigenic.

Man was I wrong!

Turns out you can now get the medical benefits from CBD oil and hopefully avoid being part of the opioid crisis.

Want to learn more, just go HEALTHROPER now!

Wishing you blessed health!


the Dream RoperRon McLean, the Dream Roper
Helping You Lasso Your Dream Retirement Lifestyle
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