A Fat Brain, not just a Fat Head, Mental Obesity.
When we think of fat, we obviously think of our bodies.
In America where 2 out of 3 of the people are overweight, and 1 of 3 are clinically obese, we have a problem. As I live in North Carolina, I am probably closer to the problem as my state leads the nation in being overweight.
Why are people overweight? Is it because of our food supply? Do we have too many choices?
It most likely has to do with our consumption of low-nutrient, high caloric food. Is the food the problem, maybe?
It’s take action on our part for the food to get in our body. It’s not the fault of our knife and fork, we have control of what we eat. There are many sources of good nutrition but the “good stuff” doesn’t seem to fit our habits, our lifestyle, or our tastes.
You are what you eat!
Now, what about that Fat Brain again?
There is another obesity problem just as severe. I was listening to Darren Hardy of Success Magazine and he made the point very well.
There is more information available today than there has ever been. We are bombarded with advertisements, bad news, gossip, and more on a constant basis via podcasts, TV, the internet, and our smart phones. Most of what is available is low nutrient and high caloric junk food for our brain.
Same as physically obesity, it is not the overload and availability of information, it is our over-consumption of low-nutrient (low quality) information that makes us mentally obese.
There are consequences associated with a Fat Brain:
- hypertension
- decision paralysis
- loss of concentration
- less clarity of thinking.
The Solution to a Fat Brain or Mental Obesity?
Just like with physical obesity, you can help your fat brain by going on a diet – an info diet!
Do you really need to know what the celebrities are doing each moment and who they are doing it with?
Do you really need to watch TV shows with stupid people doing stupid things?
Avoid all low-nutrient and high-caloric information!
Start today by limiting this information and replacing it with high value information.
Leaders are readers, so start consuming better information
- I am a Christian so I read the Bible.
- I am in a home business so I read books by successful people in my profession
- Whatever you do or want to do, or where you want to be, read books that will lead you in that direction.
Limit your TV intake and filter out the fluff and take in more of the valuable content. You diet doesn’t mean you have to throw the TV out of your house, although I have heard it called the “electronic income reducer”.
I enjoy movies and a little bit of the news, but I don’t recommend watch the same news over and over again as it really is depressing. You don’t see the news focusing on what is right in the world, do you? Perhaps if I miss a key piece of news and world will end tomorrow, someone will call me. 🙂
Take charge of your brain, and fill it with high value information, and you will become of higher value!
Build your mind! Start feeding your brain high value information today, and stop the “junk food” for you brain.
Wishing for you a happy and more productive life! This might be a key step in your journey.
Ron McLean, the Dream Roper, helping YOU Lasso Your Dreams
text/cell: 864-404-6696
Schedule a call – ronmclean.biz
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PS2: If you use social media in your business, enter your info at ronmclean.com to download “How to Use Social Media in Business – 10 Key Steps”
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