Go for NO – Reduce Your Stress!

Why would I go for NO? And how will that reduce my stress?

Are you in Sales?

Are you thrown off stride when you hear NO?

This info may empower you and make a very positive change in your life.

If you are chasing YES, two things happen;

  • When you hear NO, it may slow you down, make you less effective in the next call.
  • When you hear YES, you feel empowered, want to celebrate, and may even slow down.

How can YOU use Go for No to change your career?

  1. Determine how many sales you need to reach your quota.
  2. Determine how many presentations you need to make a sale.
  3. Set your daily NO goal to match the number of presentations minus the number of sales
  4. To increase sales, I recommend leaving your NO goal = the # of presentations you need
  5. You may even want to set your NO goal to how many calls you need to set up a presentation?

Now when you go out into the “sales world” each day:

  1. Consider each NO a success as you are closer to your goal
  2. Don’t worry when you get one of those pesky YES, answers, keep on going for NO
  3. You are on your way to achieving your goals, because YOU control the number of NO’s you get by your activity
  4. See how less frustrating it is as you don’t control the number of YES’s?
  5. Let your NO goals drive you to success.

In reality, YES is where you want to be and going for NO is the way to get there.

I know this is backwards to what you may have been taught over the years, but wouldn’t you feel great celebrating NO’s rather than them constantly beating you down.

Empower yourself and start Going for NO. And let me know of your success if you chose to Go for NO!


Lasso Your Dreams

Ron McLean, the Dream Roper, helping YOU Lasso Your Dreams

text/cell: 864-404-6696


Schedule a call – ronmclean.biz


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And you can learn more about Go for No at goforno.com