What does it take to be the most interesting man (or woman)?
First, what are people interested in?
People are interested in other people who bring value to their life.
It can be entertaining them or teaching them what they want to know.
Today, I posed with a photo of Jonathan Goldsmith for this video, as there is a message here. Jonathan is an actor, having appeared in a bunch of movies, Hang ’em High with Clint Eastwood for one, and was tapped to represent Dos Equis is a series of commercials.
To me he is most famous for his “The World’s Most Interesting Man” role in Memes of “I don’t always (blank) but when I do, I (blank)“.
So what about this man gets my attention? He is in his seventies. There are many Baby Boomers of 70 or younger who have given up on themselves when they may have some much left to contribute. If that is you, let’s talk.
In fact Harlan Sanders was in his late sixties when he became the Colonel of Kentucky Fried Chicken.
So how can you contribute? How can you make a difference?
Well, here I am going to segway and the “interesting” topic and suggest a thought tweak.
It is more important to be interested than interesting. If you are interesting to someone, it’s you talking. For you to be interested, you need to hear them, to listen to what they have to say, to find out what they want, their dreams so to speak.
If you understand what they want, you may be able to help them get it – that is providing value.
What’s the worse that can happen, you aren’t able to provide value and just make a friend.
I heard the late Zig Ziglar say that you can have anything you want if you help enough people get what they want. How great would you feel as becoming successful by helping many people become successful. I bet that would put a spring in your step!
So to my Baby Boomer friends, let’s Git ‘er Done!
How can I help you? Let’s connect up and see what we can do together.
Ron McLean, the Dream Roper, helping YOU Lasso Your Dreams
text/cell: 864-404-6696
Schedule a call – ronmclean.biz