Be like the squirrel – Take Charge!


Be like the squirrel – Take charge!

Have you noticed the squirrels gathering nuts, taking charge by preparing for winter?

Today in the mountains, the wind is blowing and the leaves are falling. Meanwhile, the squirrels are feverishly gathering nuts, as embedded by our creator.

Do we have the wisdom of the squirrel? Are we gathering nuts for winter, or are we relying on government or an employer for our security in our winter years?

Do you trust yourself? Do you believe in yourself?

Barbara and I have found that Social Security does not equal financial and time freedom. How many of us have put off living their dreams, taking the dream vacations, until our retirement? And when retired, do you have the money to enjoy the life that you postponed all these years?

We have taken charge of our future by building a business from home, to take charge of our own lives, and not depending on governments and companies for our security.

As a bonus, we chose a business which enables us to take the vacations now rather than later, taking items from our bucket list right now. Cool, eh?

I encourage you today, to take charge of your life. If you have not created a pathway to your financial security, do that today. Tomorrow is promised to no-one. If you don’t have a home business, not only are you not planning for your future, you are probably paying too much taxes.

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Lasso Your Dreams

Ron McLean, the Dream Roper, helping YOU Lasso Your Dreams

text/cell: 864-404-6696

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