Is there a roadblock to your freedom?
I am all about freedom and I normally blog on how you can achieve results to giving you freedom in finances and lifestyle, achieving your dreams and beyond your current dreams. I realize that we all have problems where looking back can interfere with us moving forward.
There are events and situation in your life where you dwell too much in the past to allow you to actively embrace your future. Just think if you were to stop carrying extra baggage how light you would feel moving forward into your future!
Yesterday, I was reminded that there are 3 levels of offence that we may take to life:
- Minor offences like someone cutting you off in traffic
- Genuine issues that cause unpleasant results
- Life-shattering offences such as death, family breakdown, major illness
With the first, we just need to let it go, as the person who cuts you off in traffic may not even be aware of what they did. if you are having a bad day, isn’t it easy to imagine offence at every turn? The good news, is “don’t sweat the small stuff because it’s all small stuff”.
The last two issues may require some assistance, but the first step is a decision, you must decide to release them and let them go. You may require assistance such as counselling, and I strongly believe that a good Christian counselor may be able to help you in attaining freedom from these issues.
Why is it important to let go of these issues?
- First, in the Lord’s prayer we ask to be forgiven of our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
- Secondly, unforgiveness is like a poison we drink hoping to kill the other person (that does sound dumb now, doesn’t it?
Third, we can follow the model of Jesus who suffered more incredible abuse on his way to the cross than we will ever experience, when he said “Father forgive them for they know not what they do”. What excuse can we possibly hold for unforgiveness? If we have unforgiveness in our heart, now is the time to lay it at the foot of the cross.
Desired Results:
With this baggage released, we are now more open to our future. We are divinely created where he has given us “hope and a future” so let’s expectantly embrace our future and move forward to success.
I hope this thought process brought you value and if it did, please share it with someone who needs it as well.
If I can personally help you, please connect up with me.
Be blessed,
Ron McLean, the Dream Roper, helping YOU Lasso Your Dreams
text/cell: 864-404-6696
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