Baby Boomers, how about creating a freedom lifestyle?
What does freedom for Baby Boomers mean to you?
1. To our Founding Fathers, it meant freedom of religion, to choose how they would worship, not worship how the state told them to worship
Today all I hear is freedom from religion, not what our Founding Fathers intended, but having the state not tell us what religion but tell us that we can have no religion – is that freedom?
2. Freedom to speak your mind, called freedom of speech, the right to your opinion.
Today you can say anything you want,. as long as it doesn’t offend “them”. It doesn’t seem to matter that you are offended if your opinion and values are different from “their’s”. It just seems to me that the only people that it’s OK to offend are Christians, or perhaps anyone who believes in Judeo-Christian values.
3. Freedom to live where you choose.
Really, this is governed by two things. You may choose to live near your family or your choices can be affected by how much money you have.
4. The freedom to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
It seems that big government wants to decide what’s fair, and where your money should go. The money given to those who didn’t earn it must first be taken from those who did.
People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both. Ben Franklin CLICK TO TWEET
In America, we have 2 major political parties, Democrats who are supposed to be more liberal and socialistic and Republicans who are supposed to be more conservative. Quite frankly, it is often hard to tell the difference by their rhetoric and voting records. Do you agree? We Baby Boomers have watched these parties evolve from a government to the “beltway club” over the last 50 years.
You may have come to the same conclusion as I have: government is the problem, not the answer. Then let’s take the government out of the equation for your life as the government will do what they want, no matter what political party is in in control.
What then? What’s a senior, or a senior-to-be, to do?
How about doing something that only you can do. Seize your freedom. Claim your rightful place by making a decision and taking action!
Just think about how great it will feel when you know that it is you in charge of your life. I not saying don’t have faith in God’s part of this plan but won’t you feel great with the certainty that you are in charge of your part?
Right now, the “how to” is not important until you determine what you are going after and making a decision to take action.
If you are ready and now only need a “how to”, maybe I can help. Let’s talk and see if the Dream Roper can help YOU to Lasso Your Dreams.
If this is you and you are ready, fill in your info below and let’s talk!
God bless,
Ron McLean, the Dream Roper, helping YOU Lasso Your Dreams
text/cell: 864-404-6696
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