Two Actions to Conquer Your Fears Today

Conquer Your Fears!

That sounds easy, doesn’t it

Is Faith the opposite of Fear?

Maybe it’s not the lack of faith, but having faith in the wrong things.

Are you putting faith in the “what if’s” in life? What if I fail, what if my friends laugh at me, …….?

Our Fear comes from:

1. What we have been told

2. What we have been through

Where would we be today if we listened to all our fears in the ‘What if’s”?

2 Ways to Deal with Fear today:

1. Address your Fears – Stare them down – Don’t give them power over you.

2. (for believers) Seek God until He takes the fears away (Psalm 34:4 – I sought the Lord, and he answered me;
he delivered me from all my fears.) – thanks to Nathaniel Hill for pointing this out….

You can’t run from fear to deal with fear! Address it head on.

Everyone has fears – The successful people are empowered by their fears.

You have 2 Choices today on how you deal with your fears:

1. let your fears dis-empower you

2. Have your fears empower you!

OK – decide today to Conquer Your Fears!

I am counting on you. God bless…

Ron McLean, the Dream Roper

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