Who Updates Your Home Business GPS Maps?

You update your car’s GPS maps, how about your home business?

If you you are a driver and go more than 10 miles from home, you probably have a GPS (Global Positioning System) in your car. We all recognize the need to keep our GPS maps updated because we want to use the best and most time effective routes when going from our start to our destination. That makes sense.

How about in your personal life? How about in your career? How about your home business? Don’t you think that is even more important to check regularly that you are on the right path in your life as well as in your car?GPS in Your Home Business






Well that sounds good – how do I use a GPS in my personal life and my business? Let’s just limit the discussion to our home business today.

When driving, we recognize that some roads get closed, some get opened, some have construction. Wouldn’t it make sense to review your business activities and review what is working, what used to work and doesn’t work as well today, and what new business roads have opened?

Changes in technology have changed how we inter-react and how business is done today.

Just watching people looking at their smart phones wherever they are is proof enough.

What hasn’t changed? Businesses need customers and prospects.

What has changed? How these customers and prospects will find (or not find) you and your business.

Well, how do I update my business GPS? How about “borrowing” the map updates from people who have found a better route? I will list a few here so you get the idea. I am listing training resources that I personally use and that I have listed on the sidebar on my blog for your easy access.

Social Media:

If you want to use social media in your business, wouldn’t you want to learn from someone like Jessica Higdon who shows you how she went from a newbie with no contacts to earning $10K per month just using social media.


If you want to become a blogger to attract people to your business, wouldn’t it make sense to learn from Ray Higdon who is a blogging legend.


Anyone in sales needs to learn how to “close the deal” so wouldn’t it make sense to learn from Cesar Rodriguez who created the Immediate Yes Formula to show you how the best cold market recruiter does it?

What’s Working Now?

The theme of this post today is to determine what is working now, and use that as your road map to success. I also subscribe to regular updates from leaders in my profession on “What’s Working Now” and you can learn more at ronmclean.com/wwn

While today I am talking about Network Marketing and your Home Business, these trainers teach you truths for any business, from Real Estate to many other “traditional business” ventures.

I hope you found this helpful, and if you did, feel free to share, like, and comment.

Update your personal GPS and I will see You at the top!


Lasso Your Dreams

Ron McLean, the Dream Roper, helping YOU Lasso Your Dreams

text/cell: 864-404-6696


Schedule a call – ronmclean.biz


PS: Be sure to go to my website at ronmclean.com and enter your email to download “How to Use Social Media in Business – 10 Key Steps