Who is your target market?

Have you figured out who is your target market?

Your target market is not everyone.

In yesterday’s blog post,  we spoke about branding and the key element in branding is your target market.

Ron McLean


How do I figure out my target market?

Well, who do you relate to and who can you help.

You can generally help people go down a road that you have traveled;

  • similar experience
  • similar need
  • similar demographics

Where  do I start?

First, look in the mirror – your target market might look much like you

People are attracted to people whom they can relate to, and who have information that can help them, having something they need.

Am I saying that you can’t help someone who doesn’t fit that description, absolutely not!

But your advertising should be geared towards people who are looking for what you have, and people who can relate to you personally.

It is often said, people don’t join companies, they join people. Be the type of person with whom they would like to join up!

Be laser focused in your advertising, targeting those people who want what you have and also can relate to you. This will give you the biggest bang for your advertising bucks and the best use of your time.

And remember, trying to appeal to everyone appeals to no-one.

Now, figure out who wants what you have, and go attract them to you.

Rooting for your success,



Lasso Your Dreams

Ron McLean, the Dream Roper, helping YOU Lasso Your Dreams

text/cell: 864-404-6696


Schedule a call – ronmclean.biz