Will a Home Business work for a Senior today?

take charge of your retirement lifestyle

 Seniors: My Home Business Success Community interview with Hank Eder.

On our ZOOM interview, we discussed what a senior can do today to overcome their money issues with a home business.

I believe that you may also have a background in corporate America, trained in logic, have computer skills, and acquired customer service and management skills.

You may also have discovered that The Plan has failed you too.

You know The Plan right?

  1. Go to school
  2. Get a good job
  3. Work hard for 30 to 40 years
  4. Retire comfortably and enjoy all the benefits, travel at ease and enjoy a good social life

With the 2008 collapse, many have lost the retirement money put aside for this dream retirement lifestyle.

Well, what’s a Senior to do now?

There are many different options but I am focusing on the one that many have found as their solution to the failure of The Plan.


How did I get here? Well, I tried many different things when, as a senior, I was “released” from corporate America.

I originally selected Network Marketing as a vehicle as there was a low dollar entry.

I also was trained by the experts in internet and affiliate marketing.

I personally did not relate to affiliate marketing, and I found there was a common thread in Network Marketing:

  • you need to sell stuff
  • you need to recruit your family, friends, and everyone you meet (no kidding, many companies teach this)

I have found a company trading currency, metals, and crypto – where the product makes you money!

home business for seniorsWhat kind of product?

  • very in-depth and ongoing training from industry experts
  • unique software that points you to what to trade and when to trade

But even more important to me is the fellowship with others on our team, where we trade together, we share information, and we trade together online where we can discuss trading strategies and utilize out team tools so that everyone succeeds.

If I can help you learn more about what we do, allow you into our group without opening your wallet, let me know.


Just text me at the number below and let’s compare notes.

Seniors, let’s all win together!



Lasso Your Dreams

Ron McLean, the Dream Roper, helping YOU Lasso Your Dreams

text/cell: 864-404-6696


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