Yesterday when I was young.

Roy Clark Yesterday when I was Young

Yesterday when I was young

………………..was a popular song by Roy Clark.

I do like the song but do you remember the lyrics?

Here’s 4 lines from the song

There are so many songs in me that won’t be sung
I feel the bitter taste of tears upon my tongue
The time has come for me to pay
For yesterday when I was young

I don’t know about you but I find these lyrics to be depressing.

We weren’t put here to live a life of regret, but to have a hope and a future!

Jer 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”

As for the lyrics, when we were young we all have done things that we regretted doing, but that doesn’t require us to dwell on the past.

Forgive yourself and free yourself from your past, and get back on the road to your future.

Dream Roper Earl NightingaleIn the words of Earl Nightingale,

the mind moves in the direction of our currently dominating thoughts




Now that is good news

if you are thinking about your success, your dreams, your goals, and your visions.

If you see yourself where you want to be.

On the other hand, it is bad news

if your thoughts are constantly on your problems, what you hate, how sick you feel, how bad the weather is, how everybody makes you the victim.

By the way, bad things happen to good people but how we deal with these bad things affects the outcome, whether we become a victim or a victor.

Do you have any friends who have the “victim mentality”? Are they a pleasure to be around? NOT!

In fact, if you play along with their game they will drag you down with them. Now I don’t mean for you to be cruel, but to handle them with love, just don’t enable further victim behavior.

Back to the beginning, if we constantly listen to music with lyrics that drag us down rather than lift us up, we will go in the wrong direction too. Maybe that’s a tough sentence for a Country Music fan, so I have have to watch what I listen to as well, incorporating music that is more uplifting such as worship music.

What can we both do to get more out of life?

Live life with an expectation that we will go where we want to go, get what we want to get, and do what we want to do.

How do we do that? We start with a positive attitude and a plan, a plan to move progressively to our dream destination.

Success is the progressive realization of a worth ideaThat is the road that leads to our success!

Importantly, our goal must be worthy, something that provides benefits to others, not a goal that is self-serving.

Today is the best day for us to start, or to continue, right.



the Dream Roper
Ron McLean, the Dream Roper
Empowering You to Lasso Your Dreams
Get on my schedule at





PS: On a similar note, I find the Law of Attraction has a strong bearing on this subject.

I invite your download my book on the Law of Attraction at or perhaps watch a short video summary here and see if you find value in improving your life!