You can’t vote for Jesus and Harris

Vote Your Faith 2024

Why can Christians not vote for Jesus and Harris

I received this in an email from Dan Harris and here is the link to his substack article

I don’t normally post political opinions on this website, a website which is about personal freedom, This election sounds like a choice between freedom and communism, so please consider the following article:

You cannot choose Jesus and Harris!!

A vote for Harris is a vote for a party that is controlled by Satan!
1. Pro-Abortion Policies:
The Democratic platform supports abortion rights, even up to the point of birth, which is contrary to biblical teachings on the sanctity of life.
“If a nation can’t defend the life of the unborn, it will never stand for the life of the living.”
2. Attack on Religious Freedom:
The party’s stance has led to legal battles against Christian businesses and individuals who wish to live out their faith without interference.
“Religious freedom isn’t a privilege—it’s a right. When it’s compromised, our nation’s foundation begins to crumble.”
3. Promotion of Gender Ideology:
Policies that promote gender fluidity and deny the biblical view of male and female are at odds with Christian beliefs.
“God created two genders for a reason; when we blur those lines, we blur His design for life and purpose.”
4. Support for Marxist Ideologies:
Some members within the party have aligned themselves with socialist or Marxist ideals that historically seek to replace religious faith with government.
“If you trade your faith for a government handout, you’ve just sold your soul for a dollar.”
5. Encouragement of Secularism:
The push to remove God from schools, public spaces, and even the Pledge of Allegiance reflects a broader attempt to create a secular society, contrary to a Christ-centered life.
“A nation that forgets God will soon find itself lost and without direction.”
6. Redefining Marriage:
Support for non-biblical definitions of marriage goes against traditional Christian teachings on the sacredness of marriage between a man and a woman.
“Redefining marriage isn’t progress; it’s rebellion against the Creator’s blueprint.”
7. Moral Relativism:
The party embraces a worldview where moral absolutes do not exist, leading to confusion and compromise on issues of right and wrong.
“When truth becomes a matter of opinion, society loses its moral compass.”
8. Undermining Parental Rights:
Support for policies that bypass parental authority in education and healthcare undermines the God-given role of parents.
“Parents are God’s chosen guardians of their children, not the government.”
9. Support for Erosion of Law and Order:
The party’s stance often leans toward policies that weaken law enforcement and criminal justice, leading to increased lawlessness and disorder.
“When you weaken the law, you strengthen the hand of the lawless.”
10. Glorification of Sinful Behavior:
The party’s platform often celebrates behaviors that the Bible clearly identifies as sin, leading many away from God.
“When sin is celebrated, righteousness is ridiculed—and that’s a dangerous place for any society.”

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