The #1 Key for Success (and the #1 Key to Failure)

1 key for failure

Is the #1 Key for Success a secret?

Not really….

I am sure you heard this before but it bears repeating.

Think about it for a moment…..

When have you ever achieved anything that you didn’t think you could do?

Not very often, right?

And if you did, it was a surprise outcome at best.

Well the number one key to success is

…. drum roll please……


Sure we have all heard

Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

Napoleon Hill

Doesn’t that make sense to you?


If you didn’t believe you could do something

  • would you even start?
  • if you started, would you give it your full effort?
  • would you commit the time and money that it required to succeed?

Well, what if you lack belief in yourself? That’s pretty bad, right.

I don’t know about you, but I have had plenty of people in my life tell me what I couldn’t do.

The key is – do you believe them, or do you believe the dream created inside you.

We may each have different belief systems anyways.

As for me, I believe in my creator and the dreams he has placed inside of me,

Also the gifts he has placed inside of me – gifts such as a natural ability to do some things, an ability that is not limited to acquired skills alone.

What is your gift?

What do you feel great when you are doing it? What empowers you?

We all have voices telling us what we can and can’t do…..

Which voices do you listen to.

I find there are two ways to determine the source of the voices we hear.

  1. If what you hear is for your benefit and doesn’t result in hurt to anyone, it’s most likely from God.
  2. If what you hear creates jealousy, fear, regret, anger, or so on, it is probably from somewhere else.

I believe we all need to be careful as to which voice we listen to….

The key here is discernment.

OK Ron, so I have a strong belief in myself, and know what I want to accomplish, in line with my gifts.

Is that all I need to succeed.

No, you are only halfway there….

The 2nd key would be to TAKE ACTION!

If you like formulas, you could say



As I mentioned from the start, what’s the #1 key to failure?


Not taking action on what you believe, what you know, that you should do.


So, back to taking action.

We often have to step out of our comfort zone to move forward.

Become uncomfortable and do what we know we should do.

The good news it that once we step forward and take action, we find whatever had been holding us back was just bad information, that really we could do it all along.


Now that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t prepare, that belief by itself is enough.

But if you don’t have belief, you won’t take the necessary actions to prepare for success.

So lets pull this all together.

ONE: to succeed, you must first believe that you can do it

If you need help to believe, read inspiring stories of folks who have already done it, been where you want to go.

TWO: You must take action to move ahead to get it done.

Listen to your beliefs, and not your doubts and fears


My beliefs state

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil 4:13

So if I can do all things, why wouldn’t I move ahead with what has been put on my heart. especially if it is of benefit to others?

How about you, are you ready?

Looking forward to seeing your success?


Lasso Your Dreams

Ron McLean, the Dream Roper, helping YOU Lasso Your Dreams

text/cell: 864-404-6696




PS: If you are struggling with putting your plans into action, please contact me – to leave a message, email me, or get one my schedule, just go to

I would love to be a part of your success story

Talk soon