New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work

New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work but I also have good news,  I got nine keywords that will help you with your 2015 plans! Again, the bad news: New Year’s resolutions don’t work Why? Probably because with everything that bothered us about our life, we decide to make a resolution to address it. These resolution become overwhelming…

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Understanding the 4 Personality Colors

Our Christmas Gift – Understanding the 4 Personality Colors We just received a free gift from Tom “Big Al” Scheiter. He has written a new book which is going onto Amazon, and you can download it free from Amazon on December 26th. Who is it for? As you can see by the title, this was…

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5 Critical Requirements for Your Blog

Blog Requirements? Here’s 5 Things You Need! Last week I was on a webinar with two of my mentors – Tanya Aliza and Ray Higdon, both experts in the blogging. Today I am sharing insight from Ray and Tanya on how to make your blog more powerful. Well, why do you need these 5 critical requirements?…

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What do you see through the lens?

We all look through a lens, what do you see through your lens? I wear glasses so I am always looking through a lens, When I filmed the video below it was through a lens. But there are other lenses which we look through. We can look back at the past through a lens of…

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Economy Predictions & Recommendations

Harry Dent Jr – Recent Predictions on the Economy My mentor, Ray Higdon, shared an overview of Harry Dent’s remarks on the economy and why now may an appropriate time to consider Network Marking. Harvard MBA, Best-selling author and world re-known economist Harry Dent spoke at the convention I was just at on the state…

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Independence Day – celebrate your freedom

Celebrate your freedom as many have fought and died to give you this freedom. I love Lee Greenwood’s classic (God Bless the USA) where he sings “I am proud to be an American for at least I know I’m free”. Let us give thanks to those who have served in our Military and other roles to…

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How can YOU benefit from my new technology investment?

I made a investment in New Technology creating a new partnership opportunity for YOU! I started a new project that will help my team and their team members, and I am really excited about it. This new technology is just launching and is being embraced by leaders in our profession as pioneers. I am looking for…

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What is Mental Obesity? Do You Have a Fat Brain?

A Fat Brain, not just a Fat Head, Mental Obesity. When we think of fat, we obviously think of our bodies. In America where 2 out of 3 of the people are overweight, and 1 of 3 are clinically obese, we have a problem. As I live in North Carolina, I am probably closer to the problem as…

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Your Ideal Prospect – Are You Looking?

Who is your ideal prospect and are you looking for the right person? Some people do not qualify for your time and be careful to find that out quickly. Who are some of these people?   The Comfortable: These folks are content just to be comfortable and are not looking for anything to take them…

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Who Updates Your Home Business GPS Maps?

You update your car’s GPS maps, how about your home business? If you you are a driver and go more than 10 miles from home, you probably have a GPS (Global Positioning System) in your car. We all recognize the need to keep our GPS maps updated because we want to use the best and…

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