Entrepreneur work ethic is alive and well (at least in Mexico)


While in Mexico, I was impressed with the work ethic of local entrepreneurs!

They seem to understand Business Entrepreneur 101

  1. Find out what your customer needs and wants
  2. Give it to them

Most street vendor remind me of used car salesmen when you enter a dealership, as they are a little pushy. I guess they have to be as this market is very competitive.

For example, I said NO to a few people offering to shine my boots, but one guy got me to say YES. 

Go figure, shine my boots for a dollar. Well I expected much less than what I received. 

What did I get? It must have been a 10 stage process of cleaning, prepping waxing, buffing, and polishing. pretty much a university education on proper boot polishing.

The results, the best I have ever seen!

Back to Business Entrepreneur 101:

          3. Underpromise and overdeliver

OK, so what does that have to do with you today, perhaps in a home business, perhaps in working for someone else?

Let’s look back a hundred years or so in North America, when 90% of the people were self employed, had the entrepreneur spirit, and had to work to eat.

Where are we today?

  • Many have moved from the spirit of work to the spirit of entitlement
  • Are we responsible for our own place in the world?
    • If your answer is NO, then you have given control of your life to “them”
    • If your answer is YES, I applaud you!
    • Did not the Bible say something about this

2 Thess 3:10 – For even when we were with you, this we commanded you: that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

I see a risk in depending on someone or something else for your future. Well, I do depend on God but I work as well as depend….

The risk is if you do not control your future, and give the power over your life to someone else, you have to happy with what you get (and you will get what they want to give you)

By taking control over your future, you can be confident that you are in charge and you will be working on your dream, not someone else’s dream for your life. (that’s called a nightmare).

As for me, I choose to work with those who want to take charge, and find a way to create their own dream life. If that is you, why don’t we connect up? Just contact me below and let’s compare notes.

Be blessed,

Lasso Your Dreams
Ron McLean, the Dream Roper, helping YOU Lasso Your Dreams
text/cell: 864-404-6696
Schedule a call – ronmclean.biz