Freedom – how do you do that?


What does Freedom mean to you?

For me? Freedom answers “how can I have business on the road?”

My vision of freedom is being able to be where you want to be and enough money to afford it.

To do that I need an RV. Well, I have done that (twice lately).

Dream Roper Motorhomes

Now, I need a way to supplement my pensions to live the way I want.

MLM and affiliate marketing


That’s the rub – how do I do that?


Well, I have tried network marketing and affiliate marketing, without serious success.


Now what?


So a friend introduced me to a business where I did not need to recruit, who likes trying to sponsor their friends and neighbors anyways?

And guess what, I don’t need to sell stuff!

So how does that work – well, I learned a new skill that allows folks to earn money from home and using the internet, but primarily taking what they learn and using their brain.

How do I learn?

Well I partnered with a group of Forex Ninjas who want to do the same thing, and we use corporate training and tools, working together so we all succeed.

But guess what, I never was good at keeping my mouth shut about a good thing.

And if I refer two people to do what I am doing, I get my monthly corporate training and tools for free – can’t beat that. If you get serious, you can even build a great income that way.

Bottom line, I can work from our home in North Carolina, or we can travel around the country following the sun, working online an hour or two a day to fund my travel.

What’s your view of freedom?

Can I help you?

Go ahead and contact me and see if I can help you too….



Lasso Your Dreams

Ron McLean, the Dream Roper, helping YOU Lasso Your Dreams

text/cell: 864-404-6696

Schedule a call – ronmclean



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