Go for the Gold – Vision and Visualization

The power of Vision and Visualization to allow you to Go for the Gold!


Step 1: Do you see yourself winning the gold?

Can you visualize yourself being at the top of your game?

Being the gold medal winner in your company?

Being the gold medal winner in your life?

Can you visualize yourself having achieved that position?

Step 2: The benefit of achieving your goals.

Can you visualize the reaction of other people when you have achieved your goals, got the gold?

Let’s take that even further. You have to visualize the benefit and the benefit, as I learned from my mentor, Ray Higdon.

What is your benefit? It may be financial, it may be position, it may be posture.

If your goal is to be recognized as a leader, then you need to visualize yourself being there, visualizing the reaction of your peers, and the reaction of those who are now following your lead.

The results – your business grows, and more importantly, you grow.

How do athletes win the gold. Of course the practice their craft, diligently and consistently, but the winners exhibit the quality of visualization, seeing themselves winning before actually winning. Your vision needs to be so real that you can taste it!

If your goal is a new car for example, you should see yourself driving the car, how it feels, who is sitting next to you, where you are going, how it smells, and the reaction of others when you drive up.

The two key words: Vision and Visualize.

Wishing you success, go for the gold!


Lasso Your Dreams

Ron McLean, the Dream Roper, helping YOU Lasso Your Dreams

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