Guard Your Heart – for your Home Business Success

What does “guard your heart” have to do with your home business success?


I am a believer and I understand the biblical context. You may not be a believer but the truth can work for you just the same.

Solomon was a King of Israel and was also documented as the richest and the wisest man who ever lived. He was divinely inspired as the author of Proverbs . Proverbs 4:23 tells us to “guard our heart above all”. Why is that important? To keep your heart as pure as you can, you must keep out that which will defile it.

Again, what’s that got to do with your home business success? Everything! You want to take in what is good, and keep out what is bad.

A large part of your business is attracting the right people, right?

How to attract the right person: Be the right person.

In my business, I like to work with positive people. How about you? Positive people are not attracted to negative people, so be a positive person.

My advice to you – don’t come home and turn on the TV to have the news media spew out all the bad things that have happened that day, filling you with negativity, and perhaps hopelessness and despair if you watch long enough.

Fill yourself with positive and inspiring information, perhaps reading a biography of a famous person who has overcome incredible odds on their way to success. I believe in starting with the bible but you may start with any of the major life-changing books available to you. And that includes videos, audios, and MP3’s.


Ron_libraryFill your mind with good information, rather than negativity. Then you will provide positive input to others, and you can’t provide a positive drink from a negative well. In computer terms, garbage in = garbage out.

Be a beacon of light to the dark world, and the people you seek will be attracted to the light!

Sew positive thoughts in people and you will achieve positive results. Sew negative thoughts and you will reap negative results. This is the law of sewing a reaping, or as the world calls it, karma.

Summing up, to get right with your creator, guard your heart. To make your business more successful in 2014 and beyond, guard what you hear, what you read, and what you see.

I welcome your comments and feel free to like and share if you got value today.

Have a blessed and successful 2014.


Lasso Your Dreams

Ron McLean, the Dream Roper, helping YOU Lasso Your Dreams

text/cell: 864-404-6696

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