Why are so many seniors working at Walmart?

Yes, why are so many seniors working at Walmart?

You can find many Walmart cashiers in their 60’s and 70’s.



Was this their career plan? Are they living up to their expectations? Do you believe that in their 20’s that they expected to be working a minimum wage job in their 60’s? Most likely, they followed “the Plan” and expected to work for 30 or 40 years and then retire to travel where they didn’t have the time when they were younger. And how is this plan that most of us subscribed to working for them?

The economy may be in the tank but you are in charge of your economy! This country is a land of opportunity but you must believe in yourself to step out and “do it”.

If you are on the wrong path, change! What do you have to lose?

I talk to people most every day who answer internet ads looking for a way out, but this “way” out in their minds must be inline with their philosophy, the thinking that got them into this problem in the first place.

They want to start a home business, generally as they can’t live on what they have, and many also are not as mobile as when they were younger.

And what answers do you think I get?

  1. ” I can’t afford it”
  2.  I can’t afford it which means I must “do it”. If things are to change, I must change.

We hear about the 99% and the 1%. Guess which answer the 99% group chose. (If you said #1 you are right on!)

There are options so I encourage you to choose wisely to move towards your success. Insanity has been defined as continuing do do the same things and expect different results.

Some seniors are enjoying retirement, why not you? Take action today. Let me know if I can help you choose!

Please share or comment below, or you may contact me at thedreamroper at gmail.com


Lasso Your Dreams

Ron McLean, the Dream Roper, helping YOU Lasso Your Dreams

text/cell: 864-404-6696


Schedule a call – ronmclean.biz