One Key to a More Peaceful Life

Who doesn’t want a more peaceful life today.

We have people, news, and social media driving us into overload.

I could say information overload but it seems mainly just misinformation overload.

I was watching a short video by my mentor Bob Proctor which gives a key which should give you a more peaceful life.

First, what do you do when given a situation with the potential to rob you of your peace?

Bob was talking about coaching kids and gave a summary of two different situations.


A young man playing basketball in school when his coach made a bad call.

  • his reaction was to call out the coach by telling him it was a dumb call
  • he was then benched
  • Bob talked to him about another way
    • acknowledged that the coach probably made a bad call, but all school coaches do sometimes
    • that the boy could have just realized this fact, responding by ignoring the incident, and continuing on with the game


A young girl where a boy was saying stupid things to her and she reacted to hit him, getting her in trouble.

  • Bob asked her why she hit him, and she replied he was saying stupid things
    • Bob told he boys do stupid things at times, and grow up slower than girls
  • Bob then suggested another response, acknowledging to herself that boys do stupid things, telling the boy that he was acting stupid, and then continuing on.

peace is it's own reward

Don’t situations like that happen to all of us at times?

Especially if you are on social media……

Do we react, or do we respond?



Bob pointed out that there’s a great lesson here for every one of us.

When something happens, it’s either going to control us or we’re going to control it.

There’s one thing that’s certain … something’s going to happen. Somebody’s going to say something.

Somebody’s going to do something. Some condition or circumstance is going to come in and really give you a whack.

You have the ability to stand back, size the situation up and say, “There’s a learning experience here. I wonder what it is.” And you’re responding, and when you react, you lose”

So what’s the lesson here?

the less you respond to negative people the more peaceful your life will becomeHow can we gain a more peaceful life?

Could it be the difference between reacting and responding?

I know you want a more peaceful life so if you practice responding, and you will probably be given the opportunity to respond many times today, you should realize a more peaceful life.

I am talking to myself here as it is very easy to react.

It takes more self control to respond, but responding will at to a more peaceful life.



My wish you both of us today that we pause when presented with a situation, and respond rather than react.

Here’s to a more peaceful life for both of us!

I hope you found this to be of value today, and if you did, please share.


Lasso Your Dreams

Ron McLean, the Dream Roper, helping YOU Lasso Your Dreams

text/cell: 864-404-6696

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PS:  I am all about helping people with a more peaceful life

There are seniors today not living a life of peace, as they have not found a way to have enough money to support their desired lifestyle.

I have solutions – feel free to contact me at to see if these will work for You!