Do You Own Your Time?

You may be successful but do you own your time?

I met Scott this weekend and he and his family were interviewed.

Scott was a successful businessman, earning a multiple 6-figure income in the software industry.

Home Business


Scott attended our event, where most of the attendees had a home business.

Now don’t most people start a home business because they need more money each month?

Scott certainly was not in that category, and would be considered very successful by most standards. Then why did Scott get involved in a home business?

Simple – he was working 70-80 hours a week, not having time for his wife, not having family time with his kids, basically missing out on them growing up. Scott was on a mission to not have his family have the financial challenges his family had when he was growing up. On the surface you would say he was successful. He had not expected the price his family was paying for his success.

Then he heard about our company, and discovered another way, a way where he could earn the money he was used to making, and still have a life.

Was it easy? NO. It is never easy. Was it worth it? Absolutely!

While he was still working his job and building a home business, did he have to take more time away from his kids? Yes.

His 3 children were interviewed as well, and all of them stated they were not happy about their parents being gone a lot, but at the end, they would not have changed a thing, and the life they live today was definitely worth the sacrifice.

And his wife now has the marriage and family of her dreams.

How about you? Do you have time freedom? Many people have time freedom and no money. Others, like Scott. have money but no time. Shouldn’t real success be having both time and money, at the same time?

If you are in the same boat as Scott, or if you know someone who needs to hear this message, contact me and we can discuss options.

Scott says God did not create him to sell software. What were you created for? Are you doing what you were created for?

If I can help you, you may contact me at thedreamroper at


Lasso Your Dreams

Ron McLean, the Dream Roper, helping YOU Lasso Your Dreams

text/cell: 864-404-6696

Schedule a call –


PS: Go to to get “How to Use Social Media in Your Business – 10 Key Steps”