How to Reach Your Life Destination

How to Reach Your Life Destination

Let’s look today at how to assist you reach your desired Life Destination.

In the last video we talked about “Who You Are” and maybe how you got where you are.

Let’s realize that if you continue to do what you have done, you will get what you got.

OK, let’s work on getting you where you want to be!

First – Your Why:

You need to first know your why, why you want to get to where you want to be. This is generally family, lifestyle, leaving a legacy, or simply paying off your credit cards.

But next comes the bad news, identifying Your Why by itself will not get you there.

Second – Who Do You Want to Be?:

You need to identify who you want to become. By that, I mean what will your new life, new results, look like?

Picture yourself in five years or whatever your timeline reads. What does your life look like?

Third – Your Mission Statement:

I recommend writing your mission statement, including your why and how you will provide the value to others to achieve the financial results you will need to achieve for your new life style.

Now, this is more of a building block, as you will need to do the next step.

Fourth – Your Goals:

Your goals are like dreams with timelines.

List out each goal with what you want to achieve and by what date.

You should list goals in more than one are of your life (Faith, Family, health, Career, Money, etc)

I would recommend that you break some of your goals (financial, career) down into smaller goals (baby steps)

Now you can start with the end in mind, and work backwards to what you have to do today.

Remember to make your timelines aggressive enough to stretch you, but not so aggressive as to be unworkable.

Congratulations, you are well on your way to reaching your dreams.

Whoops, now you have to go to work, to work on Your Plan!

Close your eyes and visualize what your life will look like in 5 years, or even sooner.

Now plan your day for tomorrow, to start your path to your dreams.

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Lasso Your Dreams

Ron McLean, the Dream Roper, helping YOU Lasso Your Dreams

text/cell: 864-404-6696

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