Walmart Closings – what has that got to do with me?

The news is full of Walmart Closings

So, what does Walmart closings have to do with me?

Well, here’s a report from the news media:

  • Walmart announced that it will close over 100 stores around the country on Thursday for good.
  • Many of the stores are located in small towns where the locals don’t have other options for fresh groceries.
  • In one town in Texas residents are upset with Walmart for coming to town, running their grocery store out of buisness, and then closing up the store after only 12 months.
  • Small town ecomonys which are already vulnerable will undoubtedly suffer from these closures. 

More than 100 Walmarts around the country shut their doors Thursday for good — many in small towns and rural areas with few other shopping options.


What does Walmart Closing mean to you? It depends.

It depends on whether you are:

  • an employee
  • a customer
  • an area business
  • an area resident

The effect on employees should be obvious

The effects on the rest could be that since Walmart came to town, a lot of small town businesses have folded, chased out by price competition, and where do you shop now?

But there is another, and perhaps larger part of the problem around Walmart closings.

ronmclean.comThe economy, why are they closing?

The economy – where do these folks find jobs?

employees – why are they working there to start with?

employees – what are their options now?

I am particularly concerned with seniors as “I are one” but this loss of employment opportunities generated by the Walmart closings may just be the tip of the iceberg.

But this down’t only affect seniors, but is more across the board in the work force.

The Solution?

in my humble opinion, this could be a wake up call, and if you are affected and use this opportunity to take action, you may look back on it as a blessing!

if you are not currently affected, but see the writing on the wall, perhaps you can be proactive and make sure you won’t be affected in future.

How – create a Home Business!

I don’t have time to go in depth today but if you are interested in taking charge of your like, your family’s financial future, check out my previous blog posts, and my future blog posts as well, as I am all about helping people take charge of their life.

Feel free to comment and share if you found value, and if you want to get into more detail on how you can take charge of your future, connect up with me below.

Be blessed,

Lasso Your Dreams
Ron McLean, the Dream Roper, helping YOU Lasso Your Dreams
text/cell: 864-404-6696
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