What are You doing to Live Your Dash?

the Dream Roper

Are you living your dash?

Here it is, we have all seen tombstones listing the person’s date of birth, their date of death, and a “dash” in between. Your dash is important.

I have heard that before as I suspect many of you have, but it is worth repeating.

As this was a Baptist Pastor speaking, you can be sure that his primary concern was that what you do with your dash can determine your ultimate destination after the death. While determining whether you go to the glory of heaven or the fires of hell should be your primary concern (if you want to know how, connect up and we sill discuss how), there are practical day to day considerations while you are on this earth.

Your Purpose:

Why are you here? Do you feel that you know why you were born?

I have heard that the two most important dates in your life are:

  1. the day you were born
  2. the day you find out why you were born

Are you struggling to find an answer to why you were born?

I suggest looking inward and let your heart tell you what is important to you.

Now the reason for my post about “your dash”!

Tomorrow is promised to no-one so I strongly encourage you to make today count.

Review your schedule and determine the following:

  • What will move you towards your purpose – do more of these.
  • The import and and the urgent – do these.
  • The unimportant – stop doing these where possible

You may have to retrain your friends and family on what to expect from you but I encourage you to actively engage on moving toward your purpose.

Just as on Judgement Day that you must stand alone before your creator, in this world you must take responsibility for where you are in life, as only you control your actions.

Wishing for you that you would have an abundant life and that you would leave a remarkable legacy.

Now “just do it”…..

Please connect up with me if you would like to discuss further, or comment below.

Lasso Your Dreams
Ron McLean, the Dream Roper, helping YOU Lasso Your Dreams
text/cell: 864-404-6696
Schedule a call – ronmclean.biz


PS: Here is a link to “The Dash” – a poem and click on the image below for the bookthe Dream Roper