What is Your Brand and What is Branding?

What is Your Brand? What is Branding?

You need to know as your brand is incredible important to you, as your target market needs to understand who you are and why they would choose to select you, above your competition, to do business with.

On Ray Higdon’s Top Earner Success School last night, Ray focused on Branding and I am sharing a couple of key tips, from the many I received. These two resonated with me and I hope that you find value from them as well.


Ron McLean

What is Your Brand?

Your brand is you, and the perception that people associate with you, who you are.

Branding is not just your logo, your tag-line, the colors you choose, it the primary focus in positioning YOU in the mind of your prospective customers.

There are many examples of perception being reality. When you think of a carbonated beverage, you think of Coke, right? Is Coke the best tasting of the colas? Is Classic better than the New Coke, better than Pepsi? No, Coca Cola ran tasting panels and developed the New Coke to achieve a product to beat Pepsi in the taste testing panels (Pepsi out performed the current Coke). That made a lot of sense until you consider the brand – the original Coke was perceived the be the best and the company almost went totally off-track forgetting their marketing advantage. They quickly jumped back to the old Coke, calling it Coke Classic, avoiding a marketing disaster, ignoring what tasted better.

So perception is reality!

I encourage You to strongly identify who you are, to build that perception.

One large caution to you! Do not try to be all things to all people! Trying to appeal to everyone will result in you appealing to no-one.

Brand you as what value you provide the marketplace, what makes you unique, and why people would want to do business with you.

Brand “You Inc”

Why would you want to brand yourself rather than promote the company you represent?

That is a question that is not readily understood.

Say that you were providing a product or marketing a company. Why would you not focus your brand on the product or the company you represent?

If you brand your product, what if the product becomes obsolete. Consider Radio Shack. What does the name Radio Shack mean to people today? That may explain why they announced the closing of 1,100 stores. One of their competitors is Best Buy, a name that is independent of the products they sell, and many products can be congruent with their Brand of being a “Best Buy”.

If you brand a company you represent, what happens when the company disappears, as many do either from unethical behaviors or just plain bad management practices.

If you brand you, companies and products can come and go but your prospective customers can identify with you and with products or services you represent that are congruent with your brand.


Your brand is your security.

Security is not:

  • in a JOB
  • in a rank in your company

Security is your ability to adapt to changing environment, and you need a brand to adapt around.

Again, your brand is your security.

The good news is that your branding doesn’t need to be a pain in the butt, you are not a cow!

I hope you found value from this post, and if you did, feel free to comment, like, and share.

Wishing you a blessed day,


Lasso Your Dreams

Ron McLean, the Dream Roper, helping YOU Lasso Your Dreams

text/cell: 864-404-6696


Schedule a call – ronmclean.biz
