How to make better decisions – Mark Twain

better decisions

How to make better decisions? Experience. How to get experience? By making bad decisions. (Mark Twain) That sure came to mind when I pulled a shirt out of my closet. Really this is about Branding (a better decision too) Going back in time to early 2012, I contacted a friend and had him set me…

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Are You Telling the Right Story?


What is Telling the Right Story? We tell everyone our story every day, but maybe we don’t think about it? And things are always changing, right? Take a look at that Ford with a SHEVEE license plate. Apparently he previously had a Chev and now has a Ford. Now the tag looks a bit ridiculous,…

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Master of My Fate? Here’s One Key Step How!

Dream Roper Lasso Your Dreams to be master of your fate

I am the master of my fate, captain of my soul. What does this mean in your life? Taken in context, William Ernest Henley wrote this while recovering from a leg amputation and being told the other leg would require amputation, too. So, he is referring to his ability to choose how to respond. He…

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Einstein: Imagination more important than knowledge


Why is imagination more important than knowledge? As it’s a quote from Einstein, I believe imagination is more important than knowledge. Do you? I just did a blog post on “What is the Most Expensive Thing You Can Own?“ If you missed it you can see it HERE In that post, I talked about a…

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Seniorhood – Baby Boomer concerns on retirement today

Dream Roper retirement concerns

3 HARD RETIREMENT TRUTHS FACING YOU AS A BABY BOOMER This is a headline from USA Today, on their review of this important topic. Let’s take a look at three retirement truths facing Baby Boomers, according to the TCRS report.   Retirement Concern #1. Having to work longer or forever Employment is no longer a taboo…

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Seniorhood – Having an Attitude of Gratitude

Ron McLean, the Dream Roper

What does having an “Attitude of Gratitude” mean to you? “In all things, give thanks”  We talked about vision and goals earlier, and it’s alright to want more. That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be grateful for what you have now.  I believe that having a desire for more, yet being grateful for what you…

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Seniorhood – Freedom for Baby Boomers?

Baby Boomers, how about creating a freedom lifestyle? What does freedom for Baby Boomers mean to you? 1. To our Founding Fathers, it meant freedom of religion, to choose how they would worship, not worship how the state told them to worship Today all I hear is freedom from religion, not what our Founding Fathers…

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Seniorhood – Kids of the Baby Boom – the rest of the story

The Bad News – the Kids of the Baby Boom are Seniors The Good News – If you are alive today, you can take control of your life. My friend Lynda Kenny blogged about baby boomers, and shared a bit of history. That brought to mind a song from The Bellamy Brothers about The Kids…

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Seniorhood – Team Building Tips

Ron McLean, the Dream Roper

Why Team Building Tips When I Don’t have a Team? This topic may not mean as much to you if you are a Solopreneur and working strictly on your own efforts, as you may not be developing a team. If you have employees, however, this certainly does apply. If you are a Solopreneur, you may…

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Seniorhood – Why Network Marketing?

Ron McLean the Dream Roper

Why Network Marketing you ask? I may be partial but there is a reason that Donald Trump and Robert Kyosaki consider Network Marketing as “The Perfect Business”. A primary reason is the low cost of entry. You can generally get started for under $500 which is far less than any of the other business in Chapter…

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