Living Your Dream Lifestyle? Want to Learn How?

lasso your dreams NOW

Well what is your dream lifestyle?

Well we are all different and often depends where we are in life.

At 25  having enough money to pay your bills?

At 45? it’s more about paying for home, family, and education. Even with a boss who tells you when you can come and go? When you can take a vacation?

A senior? Trying to figure out how to live on social security instead of planning your next trip?

Have you put off all those fun and exciting things for retirement? Your bucket list so to speak?

Lucky me

Now I was lucky (didn’t feel that way at the time) as I was fired from corporate America at 65. As I had made some dumb decisions in my life, I had a choice – figure out how to live on social security or get back to work.

Now sitting on the couch watching TV all day is not my style. I bet you feel the same way, right? So I used my network and my skills to create a business I run from home but still needing to be a clients’ locations regularly. Well, there goes my trip to Alaska….

Now what?

I was looking for something better, to give me time and money freedom, where we could be where we want on our schedule. Well this journey led me to successful people, but I hadn’t yet figured a way to make it work for me, you know what I mean?

And now we have the motor home, and what’s holding me back?

  • Having a month or two when I don’t have to be somewhere
  • Having enough money to really enjoy this trip to Alaska.


Last month, the door opened, and I learned the secret, the missing piece. I discovered the system to own a business, a virtual franchise, where the franchise did most of the heavy lifting! I just have to do one main thing.

And seeing it’s internet based, I can be where I want to be, Florida in the winter and up north in the summer, bring on that trip to Alaska!

Next year we won’t need to winterize the motor home!

Now I don’t know exactly what you have in mind for your dream lifestyle, as I said it seems different for many based on their age.

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How to Make 2019 Your Best Year Ever

Your turn?

The good news? You can take a look at what I am doing to get free and make your own decision if this is something for you.

Just go to and take a quick look.

If interested, I would love to get you more information.

Go there NOW and maybe this will be your greatest year too!

See you on the other side


Lasso Your DreamsRon McLean, the Dream Roper

Helping You Lasso Your Dream Lifestyle

Follow the Sun – Follow the Son





PS: As Zig Ziglar said “You can have anything you want in life if you help enough people get what they want”. Well my plan is to help a lot of people get what they want, could that be you? Let’s talk!


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