Have you driven the Road to Nowhere? It’s real folks!

the Road to Nowhere, Bryson City NC

Seriously, there is a real Road to Nowhere

Don’t believe me, here’s the story:

Lasso Your DreamsThe road got its name from a dispute in the 1930s and 40s when Swain County gave up the majority of its private land so the federal government could create Fontana Lake and Great Smoky Mountains National Park. People had to move, family cemeteries were cut off, and the former road was buried beneath the waters of the lake. The federal government made an agreement with Swain County to build a new road along the lake’s north shore, but environmental issues stopped construction. With no resolution, now decades later, the road still goes nowhere.

Now you may ask, what’s that got to do with me?

I asked myself that question too:

I have climbed the ladder in Corporate America, a couple of times. I have learned a lot but eventually it was built against the wrong wall.

Why do I say that, well, I invested a lot of time and effort, sacrificed what I really should have been doing such as spending more time with my family and more time with the Lord. These relationships turned out to be sacrificed on the alter of money and power.

Pretty empty, right?

Lasso Your DreamsYou are probably smarter than me and stopped the madness sooner?

I tried to get my life back about 20 years ago, and that attempt at freedom didn’t work, trying to grow a business took a real hit when the Twin Towers were hit.

Well, back into the corporate world but that pretty much was a road to nowhere as well, and on my last position I got the boot after faithfully putting in 90 hour weeks, faithful to them rather than to my family……

So what’s the answer?

Well, I tried a lot of different roads to freedom – freedom to me means having the time and money to do what I want to do. What is freedom to you? May be similar, maybe not?

Has your plan taken you to where you planned to be, your dream lifestyle? Or are you still on your road to nowhere?

I found the problem in my road to nowhere, and the only common element in all the wrong roads I took was ME.

Ouch, that hurt. So I needed to fix me?

Now that’s a “whole ‘nother story” but I did find a way off that nasty road.

Well, what worked for me could also work for you too.

If you want to get anything you want, just help a lot of people get what they want – Zig Ziglar

Sounds easy, now how do you do that?

Here’s 3 steps to help others, to get off their road to nowhere.

  1. Find out what is their problem, their pain
  2. Look for a solution
  3. Offer them a solution to their problem, their pain, to get them to their dream lifestyle

Now if you have a solution to their problem, you have a business opportunity.

If not, you may be able to refer them to a solution, and you have helped your fellow man, and feel good about it, maybe made a new friend.

So what’s the secret to make a business work then?

Find a solution to a problem, and then find people with that problem who are looking to solve it.

Here’s what not to do, at least if you want a better life

  • Tell everyone about your solution, whether they have a problem you can solve or not
  • Telling your solution to folks with the problem who are neither ready or interested in solving it.

Well, what is the secret to success then?

  1. Have a good solution to a problem
  2. Find people with the problem, and who are looking to solve it
  3. Present your solution for their problem
    1. answer their questions
    2. help them purchase the solution

That’s it end of story.

Lasso Your DreamsUnless you are curious about how I got off my bridge to nowhere?

  • I determined that a business I could run from my computer was the best to meet my goals
  • I reviewed different systems, and found they were too complex and time consuming – working against my goals
  • I found a business that I could own, where I could outsource the heavy lifting, and focus my efforts on finding people who wanted a similar solution. Voila, problem solved!

My motto for 2019 – Follow the Sun – Follow the Son

First, we would like to move our business south in the winter (although I moved south from Canada, I am still in the winter cold). With our new business, we can run things on the road in our motor home.

Secondly, we will do business in such a way as to honor our Lord and Savior!

Wishing you a wonderful 2019, and if you are on the road to nowhere, a true map to get you somewhere better.


Lasso Your DreamsRon McLean, the Dream Roper

Helping you Lasso Your Dream Lifestyle


cell/text 864-404-6696



PS: Interested in how I got off the road to nowhere? Check a summary at lassoyourdreams.net

PS2: Interested in the Road to Nowhere at Bryson City, NC, go HERE

And here is a related post that you may find to be of interest: Is Your life plan working out like it should?