Are you living your circumstances, or living the Promise?

living the promise

Living Your Circumstances?

Do you even remember the promise?
Yes we all have circumstances.
Life has it’s ups and downs, and for many people it seems like more downs than ups.
We were promised that in life we would have tribulation, but we were also promised something much greater!
He who promised that we would have tribulations also promised that he came so that we would have life more abundant.

Which camp are you living in?

Many people, especially at my age, have settled in to what life has handed them.
Henry David Thoreau said “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.”
Many seniors have arranged their schedules around medical appointments, rather than around the those activities that give them joy.
Does it sadden you as well to see so many “retirees” working at Walmart?
Don’t get me wrong, I find working past age 65 not to be a bad thing, unless you are working at a minimum wage job, not because you want to, but because you have to, to survive.

time for change

Have we forgot the promise?

Have we taken up the poverty mentality because there is no other way, or maybe we consider it more spiritual to be poor?
Have we not all heard too often that money doesn’t buy happiness?
Well, neither does poverty.
As Bob Proctors states, money is to make us more content, not happy. And if we are more content, will we not have the urge to do what will make us happy?
God has called us to live a life far above what we are living now.
If we were created for greatness, why should we settle for mediocrity?
What if we could take control of our life?
  • take control of our health?
  • take control of our money?
  • would that not give us control of our time?

the promise

Some people have found a way to peace in their life

Step 1 – find peace where you are
Step 2 – let the goodness of God lift them up to a greater life than they had imagined.
As Greg Lewis said – Why do we want to limit what God wants to do in in our life?
God will not lead you to where he will not provide for you.
Let us examine how we are living and why we are living the way we do.

Are you where you want to be in life?

Now I am not saying that we should be complaining about where we are. Goodness knows I hear enough of that.
I am saying we should be grateful for what we have, while reaching out in expectation for more.
When Jesus performed miracle healings in the Bible, he required action from those wanting to be healed, like “take up your bed and walk”.
Seems reasonable to me that’s what he expects from us today, to rise up in faith and move to the promise he prepared.
I don’t expect everyone to agree with me, and I too have friends who value logic over faith, but which do you feel is more powerful in the long run.
What if we not only pulled ourselves up to what he promised us, but if we walked alongside those who need a lift up, and to receive hope so they can remember the promise?

Wouldn’t that make a better world?

Your Independence DayIf you are ready to be set free of our “stinkin thinkin” and reach out to live the lives we were promised, let’s do it together.
As we approach Independence Day, let’s embrace the freedom on which the great country was created, created by men who had the courage to throw off the yokes of the king while willingly following the Risen King.
Want to hit me up to discuss, get on my schedule at so we can talk.
Wishing you a blessed Independence Day,
the Dream RoperRon
Ron McLean, the Dream Roper
Helping You Lasso Your Dream Lifestyle
PS: If you are a “mature American” who is ready to reach out to make a difference and leave a legacy, we have started a new Facebook group so that we can interact, come and let’s share ideas – go to