Seniorhood – Business Networking tips

Tips for Business Networking the Right Way

As you start your business, you want to meet people who can help you grow, either as customers or as referral partners. Here are common opportunities where people go to meet people:

  • Chamber of Commerce – this gives you recognition and a forum to meet people in business
  • Chamber of Commerce networking/lead groups – generally limited to one of each classification
  • BNI or similar networking groups – focused on leads, you have to commit time and money
  • Meetup groups
  • Other similar meetings and networking opportunities

 Ron McLean the Dream Roper

Let’s discuss the rules of networking. When you go to one of these functions, what is your role?

  • Pass out brochures and business cards to everyone present?
  • Let everyone know what you do and they will want to buy?
  • Establish a connection with a handful of people by asking questions about their business, and then following up and scheduling a one on one meeting?

OK, it was a trick question. The last answer is obviously correct and doing the first two will quickly get you isolated from the group, as being very unprofessional.


What is the purpose of a networking group then?

  • Give and get referrals
  • Develop referral partner relationships with others who share your target customer base


By listening more than you talk, you will learn more about other businesses and they will be more apt to take an interest in what you do. This is how you develop relationships and set yourself up to get leads and referrals.


Where do you learn more? When you are talking? When someone else is talking? Hmmmm.

Be blessed,


Lasso Your Dreams

Ron McLean, the Dream Roper, helping YOU Lasso Your Dreams

text/cell: 864-404-6696

Schedule a call –


PS: Seniorhood – From Tragic to Magic
Seniorhood – Why Do I Need a Home Business Anyways?

Seniorhood – What Business Type Is Right For Me?

Seniorhood – Target Market – who will buy what I have?


  • Ron Deering

    April 5, 2015

    How true is that… most people go to those things with a bag full of their cards and try and give out as many as they can… instead of bringing an empty bag and collecting as many as they can… great post Ron

    • Ron McLean

      April 6, 2015

      thanks Ron – i appreciate your comment on cards..

  • Don Shan

    April 8, 2015

    I just got back from a meetup event… i wish some of those people came over to learn from your post here!

    • Ron McLean

      April 8, 2015

      I understand Don, I guess not everyone gets it.

  • Keren Haim

    April 8, 2015

    Ron That is a great post. Networking groups are also great for discovering new fields and profession, it opens your mind and can give you a lot of ideas in your own business as well. I personally love networking groups.

    • Ron McLean

      April 8, 2015

      Thanks Keren, and I appreciate your comments. Networking Groups are a little tricky as you need to focus on product vs. opportunity.

  • Robb Corbett

    April 8, 2015

    Chamber of Commerce events are gold mines if you do as you say and go in and establish relationships with people! Great post man!

    • Ron McLean

      April 10, 2015

      Right Robb, I think the trick is to avoid socializing with current friends and going to meet some new ones