Where is your “ounce of prevention”?

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Isn’t that what your mother told you? An ounce of prevention? And I just discovered that quote came from Benjamin Franklin, in regard to fire prevention. An ounce of prevention of a fire may relate to an ounce of prevention of a heart attack? Seems…

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Is your life plan working like you thought?

John says most of us are on a 45 year life plan. I was at a meeting today and my friend John said many people all signed up for the 45 year plan. So I thought about it – start working at 20 and retire at 65, got it, 45 years. That sounds a little…

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How to Factory Reset Your Life

factory reset your life

How would you “factory reset” your life? Well, have you ever had your computer start to run real slow? Probably even more with a tablet, right? What is the cause? Often there has been programming loaded that is no longer used and it is slowing you down, so you can’t get where you want to…

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The Master of My Fate – really??

Captain of my soul

I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.  I am sure that you heard that before as well. I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.  This quote is from the last 2 lines of the poem Invictus by William Ernest Henley But are we…

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Enjoy being a Seenager (Senior Teenager)

Senior Teenager

On Seenagers Unite, my FB Live yesterday, I outlined the benefits of being a Seenager Here’s the broadcast and I have added some captions for clarity. Check it out, and I hope you enjoy it (I apologize as there is a slight sync issue with the video when downloaded from Facebook) Really, being a senior…

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Proof on how WIFI radiation can affect your health!

 WiFi Experiment Done By A Group Of 9th Grade Students Got Serious International Attention. We have heard for years of the supposed dangers to our bodies from prolonged exposure to our cell phones and WIFI radiation. Could it be true or imagined? Well today I saw this experiment reported by Outside the Box and felt…

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Would you put acid in your gas tank?

Acid in my gas tank, isn’t that silly?   Could be. It depends.   First, when you pull your car up to a gas pump and you see the sign “May contain up to 10% Ethanol”, you probably go ahead and fill your tank, right?   Don’t get me started on why we talk about…

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Smoking recommended by Doctors – really?

Do you remember doctors recommending that you smoke? Holy cigarette tar Batman! Yes, it did happen, but what does that mean to you today? A lot. First, check out this ad Here’s the story: Don’t be foolish, take your doctor’s advice: Smoke a fresh cigarette. From the 1930s to the 1950s, advertising’s most powerful phrase—“doctors recommend”—was paired…

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Is Politics toxic to Your Business?

Mixing Politics and Business

Have you seen this week how politics can be toxic in business? Most of us have opinions, right?  It seems that political posts top the list for people being unfriended on social media, with religion in second place. I have had more than one mentor and trainer advise against mixing politics and religion on social…

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Tips to boost your retirement income.

Retirement Income Planning

Retirement income can be a scary subject! I started out retirement unvoluntarily at 65, but that’s another story I am all about helping others enjoy a vibrant retirement, being fit and healthy. But we all know money makes the world go round, right? Today we read more about Baby Boomers in distress. When you meet…

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