Celebrate Your Independence Day!

Your Independence Day

In America, it is Independence Day! it is not just July 4th Looking back over the past year, I have received my independence from blood pressure meds. (well I lost belly fat too) Do you have meds that you need to become more independent from? How about aches, pains, or being just plain tired? What is holding…

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Wow, more reasons to drink red wine for your health

drinking red wine

We all hear about the benefits of red wine – here’s some new facts for you! Red Wine and Your Gut?  Here’s an interesting article I found in my news feed It was posted by Mike Geary – Certified Nutrition Specialist Author of best-sellers:  The Fat-Burning Kitchen & The Top 101 Foods that FIGHT Aging…

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Men, it’s Fathers’ Day – Why you should listen to your wife!

fathers day

Yes, I am a man and I am still learning. Even on Fathers’ Day. Maybe I am a slow learner? If you are a believer as I am, you likely believe that intuition is hearing from God. If you are not a believer, you might consider intuition as increased vibration from the universe. Whatever…. Either…

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3 High fat foods that FIGHT Aging in your body

3 High fat foods that FIGHT Aging in your body We are all looking for anything to fight aging, right? We all know big business food guidlines are here to help us, right? Don’t you feel that the foods that man hasn’t interfered with would make better choices? Then why are we as a nation are getting…

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How to leave the past behind


Why we must leave the past behind. Of coarse we have to leave the past behind, it is the past, for goodness sakes And we Baby Boomers have a “lot of past”, don’t we. We can celebrate our past victories while refusing to be dragged down by our mistakes, which we have all made by the…

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Serious About Big Changes? 2 Simple Steps

2 Simple Steps

Start Simple with 2 Simple Steps? But you have a long ways to go, right? Setting goals is good but making changes necessary to reach those goals is better. As a Baby Boomer, I have maybe had too much experience on what hasn’t worked? Thinking back on last year, did you find that you didn’t…

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1 Secret to More Personal Power

personal power

One Secret for More Personal Power for You There’s more than one way to gain personal power but today let’s talk about one simple thing you can do right away to gain that personal power and feel great today! Take action! Take one thing off your To Do list and just do it! This will increase…

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The Rosenthal effect – the Power of Expectations

power of expectations

The Rosenthal effect is similar to the Pygmalion effect Well what is the Rosenthal effect and what does it have to do with me? The Pygmalion effect, or Rosenthal effect, is the phenomenon whereby higher expectations lead to an increase in performance. … A corollary of the Pygmalion effect is the golem effect, in which low expectations…

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Decide: One Word That Can Change Your Life

one word

What is the one word that can change your life? DECIDE! That sounds easy, how can that word change your life? Well, you do need to act on that word too! Decide – Make a Decision If you want to move forward, you have to release yourself from the hold of your past. Just DECIDE: the…

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Some Interesting Facts About Canada

Ron McLean

Here’s some interesting facts you may not have known about Canada I felt like sharing some interesting trivia with you today I hope you found this as interesting as I did. Did you learn something new too? Ron Ron McLean, the Dream Roper, helping YOU Lasso Your Dreams text/cell: 864-404-6696 dreamroper.com Schedule a call –…

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